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Terms of Use and Conditions

AFGE Local 1133


By contacting the Union in any way or form, utilizing this website and/or submitting any forms and/or media in any format, I agree to the following:


A. I am providing the Union with true and accurate information to the best of my knowledge.


B. I am submitting all information and/or forms on my own behalf.


C. I understand that the AFGE Local 1133, any and/or all of it’s representatives may start and conduct an investigation pertaining to my submission, case and/or concerns including, but not limited to:

          1. Contact my direct supervisor, management, or HR                    official.

          2. Request any relevant documentation on my behalf.


D. By submitting a Grievance Intake Form or requesting a Grievance by any other means, I understand that I am authorizing the AFGE Local 1133, any and/or all of its representatives to file a Grievance on my behalf.


E. I understand that the Union may file a Grievance without my authorization if deemed necessary by its officials, however, I may submit an explicit written request to refuse Grievance submission for consideration.


F. I understand that submission of this form does not constitute an official Grievance and will need to be evaluated by a Union official prior to submission.


G. I understand that all Grievance procedures are subject to the terms of our Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or Labor Laws, therefor, some cases may be deemed “non-grievable” by the Union or Agency if the requested remedies are outside of the Union’s scope.


H. I understand that the AFGE Local 1133, its President, Officials and Representatives do not promise and/or assure in any way any probable outcomes pertaining to any Grievances and/or particular case.


I. I understand that any the information provided by any Union representative, and/or information on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials provided or available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This website contains links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; the AFGE Local 1133 and its members do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites.

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